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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A Double Egde Sword

In the past few weeks, I've learned alot about how people change after being influenced by worldly things. Change is a way of life. Without it, we as human beings would not exist. Change is as unpredictable as life and as common as the common cold. But change is not always this thing that comes with this abstract concept we call time.

Objects have the power (if you give it) to destroy a person's thought process.

You see it everyday, a man buys a nice car, adds a few things, and then his personality changes. Suddenly they become "important" or they begin to act as if they own the world. Often times it's the same people who, once things go bad, ask for somethings or needs something to better themselves again. People can influence & control a person's way of life in a dramatic way. Once a group of people begin to manipulate the pattern of habit or change one's self being, the stage is set for a battle that most people (esp. me) are not willing to fight. The friendships of people I love are the most important thing to me. I never offer my friendship to those I don't see having an impact in my life. So for someone I truly care about to change so fast because an object and a group of people, it's blowing my mind right now.

A friend asked me about going to another "friend's" birthday party Friday and with a quickness I said no. I really didn't mean to come off as hateful or anything but what's the point? Here's a guy who had it not been for me he wouldn't know none of his new friends so for him to have 2 parties since school's started and not call me or anything why put myself in a situation that obviously I'm not wanted in. Change is funny because we want it. Hell, we need it but sometimes change isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

I ♥ College!

Ok yesterday was my first official day back at school and even though I was only gone for 3 months, things have changed. I haven't gotten the chance to walk around campus but I know that things have changed, for the better.

All this summer, I kept feeling like something was missing. Like some how, even though I was at home with the family I was misplaced, almost like I didn't belong. But being back here it feels like I'm home in a way.

I wanted to make this short but I'm back! Got my own computer, ready to start this all over again....

Thursday, August 13, 2009


you ask me if I still love you,
and without hesitation I say no,
you treat me like an ant,
crawling around your mind,
looking for that one piece of knowledge,
that would allow me to finally see within your soul,
reassuring myself that I wouldn't have to worry,
but I do,
I live with knowing I will never be good enough to be your lover,
knowing that with every breath, my heart dies,
I never realized I would come to see you for who you really are,
A menace to my society,
A serial killer killing what thought I once had of being with you
by pulling a trigger
One bullet for every time you spit "I love you's" at me
Another one for that one chick who thought we were just friends
I'm tired of these merry-go-rounds
"I promise I'll never hurt you baby"
"Even though we aren't together that doesn't mean I don't love you"
It may sound foolish,
but as you re-load,
there's a glimmer of hope in my mind,
that we can make it work,
that some where you love me more than you claim you do,
so keep shooting,
but aim right,
I don't think these bullets can last much longer

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Friday, June 26, 2009

The Best That Did It! R.I.P Michael Joseph Jackson

It feels like a dream.....

Yesterday felt like one big bad nightmare. The fam and I were at the grocery store when my sister got a text for her friend saying: Breaking News: Michael Jackson is dead! At first it all seemed like a horrible prank somebody was trying to pull because they have tried to before. But as the day went on and people started talking and then we came home and my sister turned it to CNN and it said Michael Jackson, Dead At 50, no words could describe the feeling I had in my stomach.

All my memories as a child growing up in a small town centered around Michael. From hanging a big poster of the Bad album cover on my ceiling so when I woke up I could see him to staying up all night to watch all his videos when they had marathon on MTV.

A piece of my childhood is gone

I don't where pop music or music in general would be if this man had never grab a mic and blessed us with his talents and light.

He gave up his childhood to be apart and entertain ours

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Words of Wisdom-June 16, 2009

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.
-Henry David Thoreau

No secret I go HAM for Beyonce

I love the new video for Broken-Hearted Girl. I love how she's in this black/white, kinda greyscale thing in her videos.
